Homoeo Healing by Dr. Anusha

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is an alternative system of medicine that embraces a natural and holistic approach to healing. It recognises that all symptoms are an expression of dis-harmony within the person, therefore, it seeks to treat the person as a whole, with a view to restoring balance and wellbeing.
The term Homoeopathy is derived from Greek word, where "Homoeo" means "similar", "Pathos" means "Sufferings or the disease". Dr. Christian Fredrich Samuel Hahnemann was a German Allopathic Physician. Though he set up his practice, as an allopathic medical practitioner, he stopped it with utter dissatisfaction towards the medical science that he had mastered and started translating books from German to English. While engaged in translating once he came across a comment from Cullen’s work, Materia Medica which stated it was the bitter taste of cinchona bark that cured Malaria. This aroused the curiosity of Hahnemann and he tested the medicine on his body. Surprisingly, his body showed symptoms of Malaria and then he tested the same on his family members also. This was the first example of drug proving that led to the discovery of Homoeopathy in 1790.

  • Homeopathy is an alternative system of medicine that embraces a natural and holistic approach to healing. It recognizes that all symptoms are an expression of dis-harmony within the person, therefore, it seeks to treat the person as a whole, with a view to restoring balance and wellbeing.
  • The term Homoeopathy is derived from the Greek word, where “Homoeo” means “similar”, and “Pathos” means “Suffering or the disease”.
  • Dr. Christian Fredrich Samuel Hahnemann was a German Allopathic Physician. Though he set up his practice, as an allopathic medical practitioner, he stopped it with utter dissatisfaction with the medical science that he had mastered and started translating books from German to English. While engaged in translating once he came across a comment from Cullen’s work, Materia Medica which stated it was the bitter taste of cinchona bark that cured Malaria. This aroused the curiosity of Hahnemann and he tested the medicine on his body. Surprisingly, his body showed symptoms of Malaria and then he tested the same on his family members also.
  • This was the first example of drug proving that led to the discovery of Homoeopathy in 1790.

How does Homeopathy work?

The principle of ‘like cures like’ is applied to find a suitable remedy to match the presenting complaint of each individual patient. For instance …. drinking coffee can keep us awake and alert, in homeopathy the remedy Coffea can be used to treat insomnia. A well chosen remedy will stimulate the correct healing process and maximise the body’s own healing process to restore the patient naturally back to the best level of health for that individual. It is gentle, subtle, yet very powerful. A remedy is a specially prepared, highly diluted substance given mainly in the form of a sugar pill which is dissolved under the tongue.

  • The principle of ‘like cures like’ is applied to find a suitable remedy to match the presenting complaint of each individual patient.
  • For instance, drinking coffee can keep us awake and alert, in
    homeopathy the remedy Coffea can be used to treat insomnia.
  • A well chosen remedy will stimulate the correct healing process and maximise the body’s own healing process to restore the patient naturally back to the best level of health for that individual.
  • It is gentle, subtle, yet very powerful. A remedy is a specially prepared, highly diluted substance given mainly in the form of a sugar pill which is dissolved under the tongue.

Is Homeopathy safe?

Definitely!! From newborn babies through to the elderly and including expectant/nursing mothers, the safe non-toxic remedies are suitable to be taken by Everyone even if they are currently taking regular medication.

  • Definitely! From newborn babies to the elderly and including expectant/nursing mothers.
  • The safe non-toxic remedies are suitable to be taken by Everyone even if they are currently taking regular medication.

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